ICT training for
the blind/low vision.

IncPart services training centre. The IncPart services training centre has a wide variety of training programs that aim at empowering blind and visually impaired persons

Computer training using fusion

This is a three months training were participants will be skilled in windows environment, keyboard exploration, Ms word, excel, power point, access, google chrome, mail, meet, drive, docs, sheets, YouTube and zoom cloud meetings using fusion and the participants are expected to attend 2 hours daily for five days in a week.

The client is also guided on his/her choice to also certify in either JAWS or zoom text. The freedom scientific certification is an online exam which has 85 questions done in one hour and for one to qualify to achieve the certificate and his/her name to appear on the JAWS/zoom text certified individuals, the client must score 85%.

Our resource room is accessible, well equipped with assistive technologies to support our clients to participate fully in the training and our instructors are professionals and visually impaired which makes them knowledgeable and sensitive to the needs of persons with visual impairments.

Instructor's Certifications in ICT with JAWS.

IncPart services training centre

The IncPart services training centre has a wide variety of training programs that aim at empowering blind and visually impaired persons with the following skills;

  1. professional skills:
  2. Computer training using fusion
  3. Braille literacy
  4. vocational skills:
  5. knitting
  6. hand craft
  7. bead works
  8. life skills:
  9. orientation and mobility